Monday 2 September 2013

Wet Weekend, Part I: The Giant's Causeway

(click on the image to enlarge)

Dear Friends,

I got pretty soaked twice this weekend.  The first was on Friday evening, when I took a trip down to our own UNESCO World Heritage Site at the Giant's Causeway.  The weather on my Met Office app looked very promising for an interesting picture, but what I hadn't taken notice of was the wind forecast!

When I arrived it was really very windy.  Nevertheless, I was excited by the churning seas and dramatic sky.  Cleaning the salty spray off my filter between each shot and holding onto my tripod-mounted camera for all I was worth, I had a go at capturing this magnificent scene.  There's nothing quite like being out in the elements (the wellies were with me again of course!) and there aren't many better places than here at the Causeway.  I arrived home windswept and with the taste of salt water still on my lips.

Imagining life without water when you live right by this spectacular coastline is hard to say the least.  And yet that's what this project is all about.  Providing clean water to those who really, really struggle to get it on a daily basis in the mountainous regions of Uganda is at the heart of this WASH project.

Water is life.  Jesus is Everlasting Life.

Spread the word!  I would be delighted if you felt you could share this post and blog with your friends and family.  It's a great cause.


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