Thursday 26 September 2013

Donaghadee Lighthouse: A little lesson from safety of the harbour

(this image looks better bigger - click on it to enlarge)

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share something with you about light today. It's considered the photographer's most important tool. Photographers will often talk about good and bad light, and when you are taking photographs of the landscape, a lot of the time you set up your camera trying to predict where the light will land at a certain point in the day. At the mercy of the weather systems above, you wait and see what comes. But, good or bad, you can't take a photograph without light.

In June, I headed down to the lovely coastal town of Donaghadee to photograph the lighthouse, the results of which you can see above. The moody clouds and the rising tide were wonderful to watch, even though it wasn't such a stormy night. As I took this shot, the lighthouse started it's daily routine of sending pulses of light into the gathering night.

The spiritual picture of Jesus as the Light of the World, guiding His children to the safety of the harbour is not a new one. In fact, as you know, our Sunday school at Knock is called Lighthouse for that reason. Last night, at our small group Bible study, we were studying 1 John 1, where John tells his readers:

"This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you,
that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5)

It's all to easy to feel carried along by the tide of our circumstances. But the lesson I learn from the lighthouse is that, in the dark, it doesn't matter whether the wind and waves are high or calm. The darkness will see to it that you need a light to guide you to the safety of the harbour in any weather. You won't reach the harbour without it.

In life, God doesn't leave us in the dark. He gives us His Word, the Bible, as "a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). If you want to know God and the everlasting life He offers, you'll need that light to guide you.

Thanks for taking the time to read,

Water is life. Jesus is everlasting life.

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